Those are my words for 2009! They are what I need to do in order to get peace back into my heart and soul! I have been off-balance for a good while now, life and sickness got in the way, but I now know where my solution lies.
I "gots thangs" to do and places to go and I want to do them with enthusiasm, purpose and joy! I want to be bear lots of fruit instead of whining about why things haven't gone my way (Thank you Joyce Meyer!)
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Fridays are made to be GOOFY!!!
I found this through this website and figured I would share the love!!! Happy Friday!!!!
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I Always Liked Her and Now I Find Out Why!!!
I always admired Princess Grace, and thought she was the best Princess ever! Why do I bring this up? Well, I took this online quiz and come to find out, I am just like her! Who would have known? I think they are completely right, though, but DANG, how do you know me so well???
Graces have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.
How to Get Along with Me
What I Like About Being a Grace
* standing back and viewing life objectively
* coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects
* my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure
* not being caught up in material possessions and status
* being calm in a crisis
What's Hard About Being a Grace
Graces as Children Often
Graces as Parents
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...
You Are a Grace!
You are a Grace -- "I need to understand the world."
Graces have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.
How to Get Along with Me
- * Be independent, not clingy
- * Speak in a straightforward and brief manner
- * I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts
- * Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable
- * Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity
- * If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place
- * don't come on like a bulldozer
- * Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy
What I Like About Being a Grace
* standing back and viewing life objectively
* coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects
* my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure
* not being caught up in material possessions and status
* being calm in a crisis
What's Hard About Being a Grace
- * being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world
- * feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all
- * being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be
- * watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical skill, do better professionally
Graces as Children Often
- * spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on
- * have a few special friends rather than many
- * are very bright and curious and do well in school
- * have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers
- * watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information
- * assume a poker face in order not to look afraid
- * are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict
- * feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected
Graces as Parents
- * are often kind, perceptive, and devoted
- * are sometimes authoritarian and demanding
- * may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally appropriate
- * may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions
Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy
Monday, December 8, 2008
Moving the Office
Hi Guys, sorry I havent posted in 2 weeks.
My office moved over the past week to the next building. It isn't as bad as it could have been. Our office manager is great and she did a wonderful job. Our company owns this building and the building we moved from so it works out fine. Our own landlord. LOL
Anyway, things are good. Thanksgiving was fine. No drama, so I liked that alot.
Our company had its Christmas party last Thursday night and that is always fun. Watching your co-workers get drunk and act a straight fool-big fun! I drank 3 white wine spritzers, did my thang with the Cha Cha Slide and broke out!
Anyway, that's all for now. Will get back at y'all later!
My office moved over the past week to the next building. It isn't as bad as it could have been. Our office manager is great and she did a wonderful job. Our company owns this building and the building we moved from so it works out fine. Our own landlord. LOL
Anyway, things are good. Thanksgiving was fine. No drama, so I liked that alot.
Our company had its Christmas party last Thursday night and that is always fun. Watching your co-workers get drunk and act a straight fool-big fun! I drank 3 white wine spritzers, did my thang with the Cha Cha Slide and broke out!
Anyway, that's all for now. Will get back at y'all later!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dear Momma

Today marks 5 years since my wonderful mother, Bernice Elizabeth, went to be with Our Father! She was 69 years old, a mother of 3, grandmother of 4, sister, daughter and friend to a chosen few.
She was a strong woman, who relied on no one but herself to take care of her children, no matter how hard, how challenging, how stressful. She was always proud and handled her business with ease.
Well, that is what it looked like to me when I was a teenager and a young adult. And then, I had my children and with each one growing up, I began to realize that the things I was going through, she went through. The emotions, the uncertainty, and "dying inside while outside looking fearless" (thanks Tupac).
I hurt my mother on many levels that I am only beginning to understand now that my oldest is 16 and relaying those same painful feelings into my heart. I am not an emotionally open person. I struggle with it fiercely and it is a constant battle to break down the walls, but I am trying. Little by little, I allow myself to show a little bit of vulnerability but it definitely frightens me. I am also passing this emotional flaw down to my children. Why do I feel this way? Well, because I have never taken my children to visit my mother's grave since the funeral. Not because it's too far, and not because I don't want the kids to remember her. I do speak about her and reminisce about her. I ask them do they remember her and what was their favorite thing about her. I tell my youngest what she used to do at my mom's house because she doesnt remember very much. She was only 4 when Mommy passed.
The reason is purely my own. It's because the pain is too much for me and so I shun the visit for myself. Every year I have said I would go visit and every year, I do not.
I am selfish. I realize that now. I don't mean to be, but I am. I don't want to share that part of me that is very vulnerable with anyone, not even my children and I now totally see how my decision is helping to stunt the emotional growth of my own children.
So, I make this promise to myself....
Before this year is out, I WILL take my children to visit their grandmother, with beautiful real flowers in hand and I will tell her all about them and apologize to her for not coming to visit and I know she will forgive me (because that is what mothers do) and I will cry in front of my children and embrace them when they cry, in order encourage them to express their emotions and live in the moment, and enjoy this life to the fullest!!!
(Thank you Christina, and I will post pictures too!)
Holla (through my tears),
Monday, November 17, 2008
This Thanksgiving, Don't Forget That Special Friend!
I don't know about you but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Yes, I'm serious. I am not crazy about Christmas in its commercial capacity at all. The whole hyped up ritual of wrapping presents that you spent a lot of money on, that the kids will play with for about an hour and then they are "bored". Uh, no, not my favorite holiday. I love Thanksgiving because it is involves what I love most, getting together with loved ones. I love having people come over to my house and spent time with me and mine. I get up early and cook all morning. Turkey, ham, stuffing, mac & cheese, collard greens, lasagne or baked ziti, and peach cobbler are a definite in my kitchen. Then I add in different things depending on my mood. Maybe some potato salad and a tossed green salad. Maybe a cake and a pie. It depends but I just love being able to show the people I love and care about what they mean to me.
The funny thing is that I don't have a lot of friends. I really don't. I don't have company come over and people rarely call me. Yeah, I know it sounds sad and unbelievable, but it is very true. I am one of those friends you have that you know she will "always be there" for you, but you forget to call her when you do a last minute get-together with all of your other girlfriends.
You know the one I am talking about.
The one you call and tell how good a time you had with all the girls and she says to you, "Well, why didnt you call me? I would have loved to go!"
(um-hum, don't get quiet now)
Or how about this, you need to know how to make something, or need to go over the details of the party you are planning and she is helping you with, or you need to vent about your problems and call her in the late night or early morning, knowing that she will listen to you and not judge you or make you feel bad about that mess you got yourself into. She brainstorms with you to get a resolution, you hang up, you take care of your issues, make everything right and then you don't call her to tell her "thank you" because you got caught up in something else and "forgot".
Yeah, I am that girlfriend.
I don't know what it is exactly that makes me that friend, but I have found myself asking "why didn't you call me" way more times than I want to remember. I have always been the reliable, faithful friend. It's just part of my character. It won't change, but I have grown up a lot so I don't get taken advantage of any longer.
As that friend, let me tell you some things:
1. When I invite you over to my house, I am looking for some of the love I have given to you in return.
I might be going through something.
2. When I call you to ask about what's going on in your life, sometimes I really would like you to say "nothing" and ask me about me for a change.
I might be going through something.
3. When you call to ask me that favor, ask me more than once if there is something I may need you to do for me, even if I deny it at first.
I might be going through something.
4. When I call and you see my number on the caller-id and decide "she can leave a message" and then you don't return my call.
I might be going through something.
Love your friends, ALL of them but especially that one you can ALWAYS depend on, who is the one that comes to ALL of your functions, who remembers ALL of your kids' birthdays, and yours and your husband's, who you wake up out of her sleep and ask her opinion about whatever............ because at the end of the day, when all of those other girlfriends, and messed up men are looking for a way to break you down and you feel the devil is on your back, and it's so bad you decide you are gonna come to my house this time.......................
You will find out that I moved two years ago and changed my phone number 6 months ago!! (that's why i invited you over and left a message for you to call me back)
Don't take your friends for granted!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Totally Love That Picture!
Nothing like seeing a strong Black man happy to have a strong Black woman behind him, holding him, comforting him, encouraging him! And you can tell, she is PROUD to be there!
Love, real love, is always evident, even when you think no one is looking. I had a love so strong with my son's father that even when we weren't walking anywhere near each other in a room or in the street, we had people come up to us and say we made a cute couple, or that "your husband is trying to get your attention", when we were on the other side of the room from each other. Amazing. I am hoping I can have that with the man I am with now. Time will tell.
Anyway, those are my thoughts right now. Gotta do some work, since that is what they pay me for!
Love, real love, is always evident, even when you think no one is looking. I had a love so strong with my son's father that even when we weren't walking anywhere near each other in a room or in the street, we had people come up to us and say we made a cute couple, or that "your husband is trying to get your attention", when we were on the other side of the room from each other. Amazing. I am hoping I can have that with the man I am with now. Time will tell.
Anyway, those are my thoughts right now. Gotta do some work, since that is what they pay me for!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Our New President
I voted for that MAN in my banner at 6:30 this morning. Lucky for me, the polls were right down stairs in my building. After I finished my morning routine, I put on my comfy sweatpants, a simple shirt and my Croc flip flops. I walked to the door, with my little Rose following me to the door (Rose is my new puppy who I will introduce to you all later).
I walked out the door, locked it behind me 'cause I do live in the projects, walked to the stairs and walked down from the 3rd floor to the first floor. I walked out of the lobby, made a sharp right and greeted the 3 people standing outside the doorway with "Good Wonderful Morning". They greeted me back.
I walked in and saw the older ladies of the neighborhood, sitting at the table, with their name tags on, checking the book of registered voters. I said good morning to them with a wonderful smile and they returned the love. They asked me my name, looked for it in the book, found it and said "Charisse, sign right here". With no hesitation, I reached for the book and then I paused for a second to look at how beautiful my name looked in this book that permitted me to make a choice for my future and the future of my children, my friends, my extended family and for this COUNTRY, not just black folk.
After I signed, one of the ladies handed me a card and told me to go to machine number two. I walked to it, handed a young girl (one of the ladies' daughter) my card and pulled back the curtain.
Once inside, I stopped and looked at what was before me. Rows of names under party names other than Democrat and Republican. I saw Cynthia McKinney's name and although I would have loved to vote for her, I bet that she isnt even voting for HERSELF on this miraculous day!
The choice was easy really, all row A. I mean how hard was it? I didn't know anything about the court justices, but I decided to just do "row A all the way!" I pulled the red lever to the right, flipped the buttons in row A to make the X mark the spot and once I was satisfied, I looked at the top name again. Barack Obama with Biden underneath it. My heart swelled a little bit and then I flipped that red lever back to the left, the whole while, watching the X disappear from the names I just picked. Instantly, I felt a little sadness and apprehension of whether it would be recorded correctly. My heart got sad seeing those Xs disappear but I stepped out of that polling machine with pride in my heart and on my face. I wished everyone standing around a wonderful day and went back upstairs to my home, and my children, and my little puppy.
Since there is no school today, the kids are staying home. While I was putting my mascara on in the bathroom, my baby girl came in to handle her business. She was watching me, as all little girls watch their mothers, recording me into her memory for those flashbacks moments when she remembers something simple about her mommy. I saw her with my peripheral vision and felt her in my heart. I thought to myself that this is a historic moment and I need to share it with her so I said, while she is still watching me, "I went downstairs and voted this morning." She said "You did? What time?" I said, "6:30". She didnt ask anything else because she already knew who I was voting for. Barack Obama Even at 9 years old, she knows the deal.
So here I am at work, browsing the internet and I just find out that Mr. Obama's grandmother passed yesterday. Am I sad for his loss? Yes, but just a little bit.
I am much more emotional knowing that she decided to go home yesterday, the day before the election that WILL make her grandson the next President of the United States, because her work was done here on this Earth and that she was needed with our Heavenly Father, as the final link of the past in Mr. Obama's life, to make way for his wonderful, incredible, world-changing future.
Rest in peace to his grandmother, grandfather, mother and father.
Rest in peace to my mother, my father, my grandparents and my girlfriend Songy who died last year at age 34.
Rest in peace Dr. King, Mrs. King, Ms. King, Brother Minister Malcolm, Sister Betty, Mr. Marcus Garvey, Mrs. Parks, Chief Justice Marshall and all of our ancestors who fought for our future.
Rest, finally, in peace knowing that this day has indeed come! I am so proud of ALL of you.
We will have a nigger/colored/black/Afro-American/African American President tomorrow morning, November 5, 2008.
Say it with me.....
President Barack H. Obama
like a song on my heart
I walked out the door, locked it behind me 'cause I do live in the projects, walked to the stairs and walked down from the 3rd floor to the first floor. I walked out of the lobby, made a sharp right and greeted the 3 people standing outside the doorway with "Good Wonderful Morning". They greeted me back.
I walked in and saw the older ladies of the neighborhood, sitting at the table, with their name tags on, checking the book of registered voters. I said good morning to them with a wonderful smile and they returned the love. They asked me my name, looked for it in the book, found it and said "Charisse, sign right here". With no hesitation, I reached for the book and then I paused for a second to look at how beautiful my name looked in this book that permitted me to make a choice for my future and the future of my children, my friends, my extended family and for this COUNTRY, not just black folk.
After I signed, one of the ladies handed me a card and told me to go to machine number two. I walked to it, handed a young girl (one of the ladies' daughter) my card and pulled back the curtain.
Once inside, I stopped and looked at what was before me. Rows of names under party names other than Democrat and Republican. I saw Cynthia McKinney's name and although I would have loved to vote for her, I bet that she isnt even voting for HERSELF on this miraculous day!
The choice was easy really, all row A. I mean how hard was it? I didn't know anything about the court justices, but I decided to just do "row A all the way!" I pulled the red lever to the right, flipped the buttons in row A to make the X mark the spot and once I was satisfied, I looked at the top name again. Barack Obama with Biden underneath it. My heart swelled a little bit and then I flipped that red lever back to the left, the whole while, watching the X disappear from the names I just picked. Instantly, I felt a little sadness and apprehension of whether it would be recorded correctly. My heart got sad seeing those Xs disappear but I stepped out of that polling machine with pride in my heart and on my face. I wished everyone standing around a wonderful day and went back upstairs to my home, and my children, and my little puppy.
Since there is no school today, the kids are staying home. While I was putting my mascara on in the bathroom, my baby girl came in to handle her business. She was watching me, as all little girls watch their mothers, recording me into her memory for those flashbacks moments when she remembers something simple about her mommy. I saw her with my peripheral vision and felt her in my heart. I thought to myself that this is a historic moment and I need to share it with her so I said, while she is still watching me, "I went downstairs and voted this morning." She said "You did? What time?" I said, "6:30". She didnt ask anything else because she already knew who I was voting for. Barack Obama Even at 9 years old, she knows the deal.
So here I am at work, browsing the internet and I just find out that Mr. Obama's grandmother passed yesterday. Am I sad for his loss? Yes, but just a little bit.
I am much more emotional knowing that she decided to go home yesterday, the day before the election that WILL make her grandson the next President of the United States, because her work was done here on this Earth and that she was needed with our Heavenly Father, as the final link of the past in Mr. Obama's life, to make way for his wonderful, incredible, world-changing future.
Rest in peace to his grandmother, grandfather, mother and father.
Rest in peace to my mother, my father, my grandparents and my girlfriend Songy who died last year at age 34.
Rest in peace Dr. King, Mrs. King, Ms. King, Brother Minister Malcolm, Sister Betty, Mr. Marcus Garvey, Mrs. Parks, Chief Justice Marshall and all of our ancestors who fought for our future.
Rest, finally, in peace knowing that this day has indeed come! I am so proud of ALL of you.
We will have a nigger/colored/black/Afro-American/African American President tomorrow morning, November 5, 2008.
Say it with me.....
President Barack H. Obama
like a song on my heart
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween at Work

People sure do go all out for Halloween, don't they? I, personally, do not get all into it, but that is just the "evil Black woman" coming out of me. Ghosts, goblins, scary things and complete strangers giving my kids candy? OH I am in fight mode! LOL
Anyway, some people here at my job got all dressed up. Some were very creative, like above girls who decided to come out as Cholas, or gangsta girls. Most of them are pretty convincing, don't you think? By the way, they are ALL accountants! LOL I only had on a headband with a little stuff with on it, cute, made noise and that was it.
My kids are gonna have fun tonight trick or treating. We go into the "rich white people area" which is only 3 minutes up the main road from my house (literally, 3 minutes, 6 traffic lights away). These people give out the "good stuff". Whole candy bars, lots of candy, very generous. I like that it is so close and a guaranteed payout, you know.
So I just wanted to say "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" and even if it is a Pagan holiday, it is fun for the kids and if they are happy, I am happy!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pay Day!!!

So today is pay day. I am actually happy about it but at the same time, I just look at it like, "sheesh, what ELSE do I have to take care of with this paycheck?" You know what I mean? I have to get new brakes on the Mommy Mobile (my '98 Dodge Grand Caravan that has been abused and loved and then abused again LOL). New brake pads and rotors and a leak in the rear caliber, blah, blah, blah. Which all means MONEY!!! So I will do it 'cause I sure would like to keep getting a check and so I will do what is necessary.
You know, if I didn't have my car, I would have to leave my house (and my kids) at 7:15 every morning to catch the bus to get to work at 8:30 am, and then leave work at 5 pm to get home by about 6:15. Now that isn't too bad considering that I worked all the way in downtown Manhattan for about 7 months last year and it took me 1-1/2 hours on the train in the morning and the same at night just to get home! That was some crazy mess, let me tell you! Add to that, being UNDERGROUND for about an hour of that! Uh, no thank you! Made a sista start getting anxiety attacks, for real! The NYC subway system is the most extensive in the world but believe me, it is has to be the most frustrating when it comes down to simple logistics, but for the sheer volume of people it transports, it's fine. I just don't like having to deal with it on a day to day basis anymore. I value being able to get home at a decent time. Leaving work at 5 and getting home by 5:30 is good in my book, as opposed to leaving work at 5:30 and getting off the train at 7, and then the 10 minute walk to my house. No Comparison!!!
So, let me tell you a little bit about myself: I have 3 kids, 16, 13 and 9.
My first born is currently living with my sisters because she thought she was grown and I had to show her that she will never be as grown as me, no matter how old she gets. We definitely have a strained relationship. One day, it will get better, I know this in my heart, but right now is not the time. I send money to support her, my sisters give me updates on her, but she and I do not speak.... For now.
My son is my STAR. I always had a problem with women who were overprotective of their sons and smothered them and stuff, but now that he is getting older, I find that I understand it more and more. He is the future. A "strong black man in training" and his path can be redirected at anytime if I don't step in frequently to check for the "troll under the bridge" and the lost souls travelling near him. We live in the projects and although my complex is relatively calm, it has had it's share of violence and I easily see where things could go badly. I want to keep him firm and steady. He is definitely getting there too. I take credit for a lot of it but I do have to give credit to my sweetheart, who I will talk about another time.
My youngest baby girl is my heart! She is my road dog, my ace, my little buddy. She feels my pain, she builds me up... she completes me! Ok, maybe I went a little too far with that one, but she is special. She is also my moodiest child! Goodness, anyone got a LEO in their life? Sheesh, back and forth, 'swing low, sweet chariot', give me a break! She is a good kid, and considerate, and I like that about her.
Ok, let me ACT like I am working, since I am here at work, right? I will talk to y'all later. Have a blessed day!
(yes those are my kids, ain't they beautiful?)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I got my review at work today....
I have been at this job for 1 year and I happen to like it. For the most part, things run pretty smoothly so I don't complain much.
We were given the review forms to fill out ourselves (!!) and then we go and sit with our supervisor, who will review our answers and fill out their own answers based on their own findings. Being that I tend to get lazy at times and get sidetracked at work by browsing the internet, I gave myself an overall review of "meeting expectations", as possible to "does not meet expectations" and "exceeds expectations". Well, when I sat with my supervisor, she went through mine really quickly and then went on to give me more "exceeds" than I thought. She joked that she thought higher of me than I did of myself. Hey, when it comes to getting that raise and bonus, HELL YEAH, I need to know that you are looking at me very favorably.
Anyway, she mentioned about the phone and internet use and that I should monitor it, and then that was it. So, Mama Girl (that's me) is gonna get a good bonus, I hope, and hopefully the same will be done with the raise. We haven't sat with the Big Boss yet, but he likes me too! Good news for me and for the kids for Christmas, 'cause they was gonna be out of luck this year, for REAL!!!
One day within the next week, I am gonna fill y'all in on my 3 baby daddies situation! That is drama enough for its own daytime soap opera!
We were given the review forms to fill out ourselves (!!) and then we go and sit with our supervisor, who will review our answers and fill out their own answers based on their own findings. Being that I tend to get lazy at times and get sidetracked at work by browsing the internet, I gave myself an overall review of "meeting expectations", as possible to "does not meet expectations" and "exceeds expectations". Well, when I sat with my supervisor, she went through mine really quickly and then went on to give me more "exceeds" than I thought. She joked that she thought higher of me than I did of myself. Hey, when it comes to getting that raise and bonus, HELL YEAH, I need to know that you are looking at me very favorably.
Anyway, she mentioned about the phone and internet use and that I should monitor it, and then that was it. So, Mama Girl (that's me) is gonna get a good bonus, I hope, and hopefully the same will be done with the raise. We haven't sat with the Big Boss yet, but he likes me too! Good news for me and for the kids for Christmas, 'cause they was gonna be out of luck this year, for REAL!!!
One day within the next week, I am gonna fill y'all in on my 3 baby daddies situation! That is drama enough for its own daytime soap opera!
Yes, I know, I'm really late in the game....
I like reading blogs way more than posting about my own life but I figured that since I read so much, why not bore someone else with my own random stories! I won't lie and say I will post everyday, but I will try to post at least once a week!
Don't you hate it when your favorite blogs don't get updated because the blogger is out LIVING LIFE!!! blah blah blah! I don't have a life and I need you to come along and entertain me so POST EVERY DAY, DAGGONIT!!! LOL
Don't you hate it when your favorite blogs don't get updated because the blogger is out LIVING LIFE!!! blah blah blah! I don't have a life and I need you to come along and entertain me so POST EVERY DAY, DAGGONIT!!! LOL
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