Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happiness is....

Eating homemade baklava at work *yum*

The kids at their families' for the holiday week :)

Getting the Wii Active Personal Trainer for Christmas

New candle and soap purchases from Patrice

Love and I talking and sharing this week, and realizing that, at the end of our everyday, it's all about us.

Going to the club around the corner from my house on New Year's and being able to walk home afterwards

Having the next four days off of work (and last week too!)

Knowing I will be moving out of the projects in the spring!

Deciding that losing 5 pounds a month for the next year sounds much more achievable than saying 60 pounds

Having Love ask me if I want to work out with him in the new year to reach our fitness goals.

Envisioning myself in a bikini on the beach with my Love and his matching six-pack.

Reaching for each one of my goals for my life and being more willing to participate in it!

Sending hugs and kisses to my online friends!

Enjoy the holiday, see you in the new year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Glimpses of My Weekend....

- Being in NYC early on Saturday morning before the hordes of tourists arrive.

- Falling in love with dance again at the Ailey Extension, even though I was unable to participate because my morning business meeting ran over time. (I did speak with the instructor after class was over, who confirmed that I hadn't missed anything and can start anytime I want to!)

- Remembering that walking around NYC is one of the best exercises you can do for my mind, body and spirit.

- Realizing again that the subway is your friend, no matter how much I hate going underground.

- Eating at a restaurant which serves healthier, Greek-inspired food and wishing I was eating at Zoe's Kitchen  in Patton Creek in Hoover, Alabama, again (Hey Adrienne!).  I wish they would open one here in NYC and even wrote to Zoe's a couple of years ago about that.  (Yes I did, Adrienne, and they said it wasn't in their forecast! Blah!)  They aren't even interested in coming up north!  Double Blah!

That's all for now.
xoxo Charisse

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catching Up With My Life....

So, the visit in NC was absolutely great!  There was NO drama, if you can believe it.  Brother T's wife is very nice and I can see where she may clash with the Love's oldest sister, but it isn't that bad.  It really didn't turn out in a bad way at all.  I enjoyed myself and really like North Carolina.  I may move there in the future.

Lately, I have been feeling like I have nothing to be passionate about.  Nothing to look forward to, nothing to do, period.  Oh, I do have my art and I am just now getting back into creating a couple of things in my art journal, but nothing has really moved me.  I have been uninspired. That is until, I was watching a commercial for "So You Think You Can Dance", and then it hit me.  Well, it hit me AGAIN!!!  Let me explain.

My first love was dance.  I found dance in elementary school through a wonderful teacher named Mr. Goode.  Mr. Goode taught modern dance after school when I was in 5th and 6th grades and I fell in love with participating in dance.  I used to go to the library and check out the same book about The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater over and over because I loved looking at the pictures and dreamed of being Judith Jamison performing "Firebird". I was so into dance that I was able to obtain a full summer scholarship to the Dance Theater of Harlem and even attended after school when school resumed that year.  Unfortunately, BOYS entered the picture and there was no real looking back for me.  Life came up and grabbed me and I put all aspirations behind me. 

I had found out in recent years that the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater offers dance classes for 'regular' folk and have been planning on taking classes since but haven't gotten around to it yet.  Every couple of months I check the schedule looking to see what classes I would like to participate in and always make plans to go register, but did not do it.  Well, that time has come and I ABSOLUTELY INTEND to take a class this coming Saturday and will continue to do so as a part of living my OWN life for a change!  I plan to take the "Beginner West African" and "SharQui Bellydance" classes.  I am nervous but I am looking forward to doing something for myself. 

I have decided that I need to make some goals for myself because I feel like I am just existing and stagnating, wasting time that I will not get back.  I am inspired by quite a few of you and because you are my friends, I have decided to share that list with you so that I can be held accountable.

1.  Dance classes 2x a month - because I need to follow my core passion and move my body and connect with others who feel like I do about moving and expressing myself with music.

2.  Workout 3x a week at home - because I have no excuse and I am tired of looking at my body and being unhappy with what I see.  I wanna look like Serena Williams and that ain't gonna happen by osmosis!

3.  Learn to sew - because my mother never let us touch her sewing machine and I really would like to make pretty things, like Adrienne and Patrice.

4.  Scrapbook at crops once a month - because I need to get out and be inspired by others who share my interests.

5.  Read at least one book a month - because a lot of times, I feel like I don't have anything to talk about and I think my mind is shrinking.

6.  Get my face made up professionally at the MAC store once every 3-6 months - just because I wanna see what I would look like all done up and perty!!!  LOL

I turn 40 next September 22nd and that is the date I intend to accomplish all of these goals listed.  I also intend to do other things too but this list is the main one!

Do you have anything you have wanted to do but havent gotten around to?  Well, join me in my quest and let's do this together!  Rent Julie & Julia too.  It was a really good boost to my motivation.

Love y'all