Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I told you I make stuff..

Find more videos like this on Mixed Media With Suzi Blu

I couldnt upload this to Youtube because it is too long so I uploaded it to my page on Suzi Blu's Ning Network! I hope you all like it. It ain't drunk painting like Adrienne gets to do ('cause I didnt go in the kitchen LOL) but it is fun!



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this is too damn funny. I recently did a post about the Tale of Charisse and then I saw where you posted a comment on Real Hustla's blog. I was thinknig if this is Charisse wow the world is small...But it's not you well it's not her.

But I'm going to stick around and check out some of your post!


Anonymous said...

This is cool Charisse and your playlist is bomb!


christina said...

I love this so much!! I bought this book for my daughter in July. Ohh... your creation is lovely. I so want one. I am so glad we both appreciate crafting.