Friday, September 18, 2009

Month of Firsts For Me!

September is a month full of surprises and firsts and good things in my life.

-We were on a reduced 32-hour work schedule for the summer and this week was the first 5-day week since May. I love getting a full paycheck again, but miss the day off.

-Tomorrow, I am going to the New York Urban League 38th Annual Football Classic. This is something I have always wanted to go to but only now have I decided to do it because my son loves football and I want him to see what it is like to play college football. Maybe he will be inspired to do better or maybe realize that it is not for him. Either way it will be an experience.

-I have never been tailgating, or major sports event before. Well...I have if you count seeing Dave Winfield and the Yankees at Yankee Stadium back in like, 1980-something. I was too young to appreciate baseball then but I was there.

-Thank you Adrienne for sparking that interest in me with your posts from the games you attend! I am sure I will have stories and pictures but I won't be able to elaborate like you do, Adrienne! You see the humor in EVERYTHING!!!

-I hear from my sister that the whole college football experience is awesome. I didnt go to college away so I have NO experience in that area. Good thing I spoke to her about it because I was gonna leave to get to Giant Stadium only 2 hours ahead of time and thought with a 2pm kickoff, we would be done by around 5pm. Uh, yeah, duh on my part! My bad....;)

-I turn 39 on Tuesday, the 22nd of this month and I am grateful to know that I still have SO much more to learn! When you are 19 and naive, you think that you will have all of the answers by 30. Ain't God great for constantly surprising us with His wisdom and world knowledge?

-I bought tickets to go see Maxwell at Madison Square Garden on the 28th too!  I love him and although I feel like the number of songs on the new album could have been more, it is a good album.  I am happy to say that Maxwell always delivers.

-My sister sells this "Tastefully Simple" stuff and she is working it out to get good and make a living off of it, for a second income.  I have never been into those types of things because, well, I am lazy and don't like  having to "sell" any product.  I did not do well in retail when it was based on commission!  LOL  They fired me from that job after 30 days.  That was torture and I was so happy to be let go!  LOL

That's it for now.  Talk to y'all later.

Enjoy your weekend.


Go said...

Hell doll..yes it's football time..GO SAINTS, GO LSU TIGERS! I went to LSU but never attended a game..bummer right! I had a cuz that played for the saints so I went to one of those games.

What was that job a part-time?



Adrienne said...

Girl y'all will have a ball!!!

christina said...

I didn't know tomorrow, was your born day!!! Happy Birthday, my dear, sweet friend. Me gwan look and see, how me can spoil ya right! lol

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you enjoyed it to the fullest!!!

How was the concert by the way??? **Had I know Maxwell would have been performing in NY, I'd have been all over those tickets!!!**