Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Travel and Some Randomness for Good Measure

Heading south again but this time, no funerals!  The kids, Love and I are heading to North Carolina to surprise Love's brother.  Love's brother had gastric bypass surgery some years ago. He, unfortunately, had complications and ended up gaining more weight and dealing with an open wound for a few years now. He went to several specialists and had surgery this past summer to finally repair the trouble spot.  Love decided he wanted to go visit him since he has never been to this brother's house before and so we will be there for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Although I have been around Love's family for about 20 years, I only met this brother "T" when I went to Georgia for their mom's funeral.  He is married with 2 beautiful girls and is a good man that I can tell.  I have heard rumors about his wife though that give me pause.

Example No. 1, a neighbor of Love's other brother "C" cooked a spread of food for his home and for visitors for after the funeral.  Well brother "T", his wife, their kids, her mom, her sis and her niece were staying at brother "C"'s house.  Instead of being grateful for the gift, T's wife went out and bought her family Popeye's chicken.  Umm... how you do you say it?

"Houston, we have a problem!!"

Now I was there.  I ate the food and it was slammin'!!  I met the neighbors and they are good people.  I saw the Popeye's chicken but didnt put it all together until the above was told to me. 

Example No. 2.  I spoke with said wife to finalize our plans to stay her home and sleeping arrangements and such.  She was fine with it and made a couple of comments about "that older sister".  Love's older sister is an attorney who at most times acts a big "Bourgie" but is alright with me 'cause I really don't care!  Older sis is staying at the Marriott.  Well, when Older Sis and Love spoke about the arrangements, Older Sis' comment was "Better you than me!"

Me feels a bit of dram-uh may be in the works.

But I am all for it 'cause I will have a front row seat!  I'll give y'all the details when I get back on Monday!

Now the Random:

- My son has a little girlfriend who has his nose wide open and they are burning up my telephone line! 

- I was thinking about doing the Master Cleanse after reading Sasha's blog and doing some research but I know I will definitely have to ease myself into that because I would go into shock going from super junk food to some damned lemonade!  Slow and steady, slow and steady!!!  LOL

- I will be moving out of the projects within the next 3-4 months and I am so excited!  Granted we will be paying twice the rent but you know what?  Peace of mind in knowing that you don't have a million M-Fers in one building all on top of each other and miserable is what I look forward to for my children.  Little Momma has always lived in the PJs and my son was 3 when we moved in.  It is time to go!

- I need to make some crafty friends to hang out and create with because my mojo is out of the window and I can't justify buying art supplies anymore.

- I might be getting laid off soon.  Kind of looking forward to it, to be honest, but I am terrified all the same!

- I miss my oldest and although she is not speaking to me, I know she misses me too.  Even though she "unfriended" me on Facebook, she hasnt blocked me from her MySpace page or her YouTube channel yet, so I take that as a sign of hope!

- I have found a new spot to get my hair done.  The Dominican lady at my old spot was the BOMBBBB!!!  But I hated having to be in there first thing in the morning and she wouldnt show up for 4 hours or longer!  She is a spirit-filled, lovely person but that is just too long! Plus it was way too far away and that aint working since I don't have a car anymore! There is one much closer to me that just opened recently and they do hair almost as good as her.  I will take 2 hours start to finish over waiting 4 hours anyday!

Make sure you all have a wonderful holiday and be safe, alright!

Love and kisses and a big Gobble Gobble to you!!


Brown English Muffin said...

1. Good luck on those holiday plans...anytime any drama comes your way...just smile!! My mother always says "Kill them with kindness".

2. Good job on your moving out the pj's your kids will appreciate so much more in life having lived in both worlds.

3. I didn't know the Dominicans lived on CP time as well. My biggest pet peeve is waiting...hence why my hair is nappy and natural!! LOL

Adrienne said...

Have a great Holiday!!!

mademoisellechitchat said...

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! Safe travels.

SincerelyGo said...

Have a safe Trip luv!



christina said...

Hi sweetie!
I hope your Thanksgiving was a beautiful one.
I am sending off a little something to you on Saturday! : )