Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happiness is....

Eating homemade baklava at work *yum*

The kids at their families' for the holiday week :)

Getting the Wii Active Personal Trainer for Christmas

New candle and soap purchases from Patrice

Love and I talking and sharing this week, and realizing that, at the end of our everyday, it's all about us.

Going to the club around the corner from my house on New Year's and being able to walk home afterwards

Having the next four days off of work (and last week too!)

Knowing I will be moving out of the projects in the spring!

Deciding that losing 5 pounds a month for the next year sounds much more achievable than saying 60 pounds

Having Love ask me if I want to work out with him in the new year to reach our fitness goals.

Envisioning myself in a bikini on the beach with my Love and his matching six-pack.

Reaching for each one of my goals for my life and being more willing to participate in it!

Sending hugs and kisses to my online friends!

Enjoy the holiday, see you in the new year!


Anonymous said...

'Ove your list!

Good luck with your work out goals. I have some myself I'm trying to stick to myself :)

SincerelyGo said...

Oh that's what's up. Your guy is planning on working out with you that's gonna be fun! Yeah the big number is always overwhelming...but I'm right up there with you hun! LOL

Happy New Year Darling! Enjoy your New video game too!



Brown English Muffin said...

I was thinking about getting the wii fit plus and balance board as the activities in it barely seem like a work out but I know they'll still make me sweat!!

I'm the kind of person who needs to work out but have it not feel like w work out!! I think the wii personal trainer might intimidate me as opposed to encourage me.

Let me know how it works out though please.