Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh How The Tides Have Turned

Do you know how awesome GOD is?  I hope you do but let me tell you, He is awesome indeed!  He speaks when you are ready to listen and when you do listen, you must heed His word.

For the past 3 months, I have been listening to God and the things I have heard have prepared me for a future that I know will be amazing because I trust Him. You all know that I have been working out but what I didn't get a chance to tell you was how my job situation was.  That place was getting more and more stressful.  I was given 5 new responsibilities in 4 months with little preparation or explanation. I handled them well, but was not given even a "Thank You" or a "Good work".  Add to that a $0.24 raise (yes 24 cents) and you have one unhappy camper in me. Now, let me be the first to tell you that there are times when I totally slacked but when God started telling me to step up my game, I listened.

Here is what I was being told by the Father:

-It's time for a change.
-Work on your appearance, presentation is everything.
-Tie up the loose ends at work so that everything will be organized when you leave.
-If you want a managerial position, you have to act like a manager, so do the work.
-Go back to school.
-The change will take a year.

Now, instead of protesting like I would have done before, I listened.  I started working out and eating better.  I coordinated my wardrobe better. I pulled most of my loose ends at work together and completely reorganized my desk so that I could function better. I revamped my strategy in handling my work and was well on my way to having it 100% good.  But I also knew that the Father was preparing me to leave this place and it happened.  On March 23rd, after coming back from lunch, I was called into the conference room and told that because I had been unable to pull together some of my work, and because I was "unhappy", I was being let go.  Was I surprised?  No because I had been preparing for this.  But let me tell you what happened.  

I COULDN'T HOLD IN THE SMILE!!!!!  I absolutely started smiling and after breezing through the paperwork and verifying my paycheck and the pitiful one week severance, I just asked if I could leave now!  LOL I went to my desk, pulled out my purse, my iPhone charger and a printout of personal stuff I had.  My supervisor of 3 years was standing at my desk looking shell-shocked (I'm not sure she knew if would happen because her reaction was too stunned and she said nothing during the meeting).  I pointed out all of the things I had lined up on my desk that needed to be taken care of and she responded that she didn't think she would be able to get any of it done. (Um, oh well - said in my head :)) I passed her the company card key, gave her a hug and BROKE THE HELL OUT!!! LOL I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I giggled all the way home, praising God and saying alright, I'm ready for whatever you have planned for me!

Over these last 2 weeks, I have been getting my house in order, literally.  I am throwing away unnecessary things, reorganizing and just plain cleaning it up from top to bottom.  I am also bringing new life in with plants because honestly, this place is a dead space. We haven't been here a year yet but I know this is only a temporary space and have been treating it as such. I am now making it more comfortable in preparation for the new place that we will be blessed with, in God's time. 

Most importantly though, this is the time I need to get back to what makes me ME! I have not been connected to myself in quite a while and so now is the time.  I have been blessed that this man is still in my life and able to handle the rent and extras.  My unemployment is kicking in and my children are healthy.  What more can I ask for that I don't already have or need?  Nothing.  

So the tides have turned in my favor and will bring in more and more blessings!  I am sure of it!



Adrienne said...

Isnt' it great when we listen to God!!!

Brown English Muffin said...

God's voice is an awesome sound.